Prepared Piano


Kate is continually exploring new possibilities in sound with other musicians and composers from both Western and Eastern traditions, and is actively developing a unique repertoire. She has co-founded several ensembles combining the prepared piano with other instruments including Keynote + with harpsichordist Jane Chapman, and is currently researching a project between the UK, Sweden and Vietnam, with Vietnamese Dan Tranh player Thuy Than Nguyen. 

Complete Sonatas and Interludes on YouTube

Kate Ryder: Prepared Piano/Sampler

Nguyen Thanh Thuy : Dan Tranh (Vietnamese Zither)

A unique collaboration with Sweden based Dan Tranh player Nguyen Thanh Thuy, TJK combines several cultures and genres through improvisation, studio and acoustic composition. With inherent Asian/Western cultural links between the Vietnamese Dan Tranh and the Prepared Piano, their practice focuses on shared techniques such as pitch bending, detuning, vibration/pulsing and the preparation of strings of both instruments with found objects. The result is in an extraordinarily complex sound world and visual experience, independent from the individual cultures they allude to. Current collaborations with sonic artist Jakob Riis and composer Kent Olofsson, are further developing their music by incorporating mixed media, sampled sounds and multi layering via live electronic manipulations.

New projects in 2021/22: a new collaborative comprovisation by Roger Redgate for Dan Tranh and Prepared piano.

Leonardo ‘s Cloudburst: Collaboration with improviser artist Tansy Spinks

Listen on Soundcloud